Boguslawski Hall
3, Teatralny Square, Warsaw
The total stage area of 390 sq.m. is equipped with four main trapdoors which can be hoisted above or lowered below the stage level by 4.5 metres, as well as tilted or slanted up and down. There are also two small trapdoors for actors, measuring 1 m by 2 m each, and two circular revolving stages - one 11.8 m and the other 5 m in diameter. The orchestra pit can also be raised to stage level. All these devices are hydraulically operated and computer controlled. The stage 'window' measures 12.5 m by 8 m.
The overhead stage machinery consists of 44 heavy-weight and 10 small lifts, 4 floodlight booms, 4 curtain-rising devices, and 2 fire-proof curtains.
The auditorium seats the total of 597 people (in the stalls, the gallery and boxes), with the layout of the chairs ensuring good visibility from every seat. The auditorium and foyer are fully wheelchair accessible at all levels.
Six sound systems serve the stage and the audience, with 18 loudspeakers located around the auditorium to produce the 'echo-sound' effect. The computerised stage equipment is capable of recording and producing special sound effects from floppy discs.
The lighting equipment includes over 300 spotlights, some of them remote-controlled.