Jerzy Grzegorzewski Wierzbowa Street Hall

3, Wierzbowa Street / entrance at Fredro Street

The basic layout of the Hall was determined by the structure of the building, which was originally designed to house a café-restaurant. As a result, the stage and the auditorium are on the same level, forming a uniform space devoid of the partitions typical of a traditional theatre (such as a portal or stage curtain). Spotlights, loudspeakers and other technical fixtures are suspended from an overhead steel grating.

The stage is situated on a circular trapdoor/floor measuring 4.9 m in diametre. Hydraulically operated, it can be raised 0.3 m above, or lowered 3.7 m below floor level at two speeds - 0.7 or 0.3 m/second. It can carry loads of 120 kg per sq.m. There are 13 small lifts, each of which can carry 120 kg and move at 0.5 m/second.

In the auditorium, movable platforms are used to produce various stage-audience arrangements: traditional, integrated, en ronde, etc. The auditorium seats up to 165 people: 150 in the stalls and 15 in the gallery. There is a lift for wheelchairs users at the entrance to the Hall.

Light projectors, attached to an overhead garting or to floodlight booms, are computer-controlled, giving full automation of the direction and angle of the lights. The projectors are equipped with the remotely operated cassettes to change light filters.

The lighting system consists of 120 regulated, 15 unregulated and 9 working circuits, steered by a DMX signal from the computer control room, itself equipped with a disc-drive and memory with full back-up. The stage is also equipped with the latest electro-acoustic devices.


    This adaptation of the novel Other Delights is the second staging of one of Jerzy Pilch's works at the National Theatre, following The Holy Father's Skis. Premiere – 7 December 2024.  


    Faust is a story based on an ancient legend of a scholar who yearns so much for just a moment of happiness that he makes a pact with the devil. Premiere – 26 October 2024.


    Małgorzata Maciejewska's surprising drama received the Tadeusz Różewicz Drama Award in 2022, the competition's first year. The show is directed by Lena Frankiewicz. 


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    The King of Britain divides his kingdom between his three daughters to free himself from worries and hardships. However, before the decision he poses a question: which of you loves me the most?


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    Do you know Fredro? Not necessarily... To celebrate 230 years since Aleksander Fredro's birth, the National Theatre invites you to an evening dedicated to the life and works of Poland’s greatest comedy writer. 


    Małgorzata Bogajewska directs for the second time at the National Theatre. This time she draws on Ödön von Horváth's 1931 drama.

  • Solidarity with Ukraine | Солідарні з Україною

    The ensemble of the National Theatre stands in solidarity with the Ukrainians who are fighting for the independence of their homeland.

  • The National Theatre at Google Cultural Institute

    The virtual exhibition 250 Years of Teatr Narodowy (the National Theatre of Poland) is available online at Google Cultural Institute.

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